Research Focus Details

Research Focus Details

TRR267 addresses two key aspects of ncRNA biology in the cardiovascular system: Section A focuses on the regulation and mechanism of action of cardiovascular ncRNAs, and section B on their role in cardiovascular development and disease. Sections A and B were assembled under the presumption that understanding the fundamental principles of RNA-based regulation and knowledge of RNA-dependent disease mechanisms will mutually fructify each other.

For both parts, we have gathered specific expertise and state-of-the-art technology. Our approaches engage methodologies to measure essential steps in the life cycle of ncRNAs – ranging from their biogenesis to temporal or spatial control of interactions with nucleic acids and proteins, towards functional characterization and manipulation in disease background.

Interdisciplinary expertise in RNA biology (e.g. structural biology), human genetics and computational biology, coupled with profound knowledge in cardiovascular physiology, will lead to synergistic interactions and will fertilize progress across projects. We expect that results of these projects will also promote the understanding of therapeutic targeting of ncRNAs in other tissues or diseases.

The spirit of collaboration not only shows in the fact that the projects are in the majority conducted by two PIs (with a substantial fraction from different institutions or disciplines), but also in multiple interactions between projects.